jeudi 17 février 2011


Récemment signé sur deux labels internationaux, il revient en pleine forme, mesdames et messieurs

                                          Casual Suspekt

Head of the Facial Ejak underground collective in Belgium, Jeff aka Casual Suspekt along with his legion of DJs and followers have been involved organizing really good parties in Belgium for many years now.
He has been mixing vinyl for over 10 years and cross overs into many different styles, his true passion being of course hardcore which completes our DJ rosta very nicely, fans of Structural Damage who have been with us since the very beginning will enjoy his mixtapes as we put them out for you over the coming months.   
Si la filiation directe avec Facial Ejak n'aura échappé à certains d'entre vous, en revanche, ce que l'on ignore souvent, c'est que c'est en tant que DJ techno que Casual Suspekt a d'abord fait ses preuves!
Back into the 90's... A la suite d'un concours, les choses s'enchaînent; les bookings aussi ! Il arpente les plus grands clubs du moment (Cherry Moon, Kabarqua, Kings, Extreme) pour ne citer que ceux-là, fait des rencontres - dont certaines comme Deg, décisives - avant que le hardcore ne s'empare de lui.
Assez vite pourtant, il se lasse de la tournure politique que prend le mouvement et s’en retourne à ses premiers amours que sont la house, l’électro mais surtout la techno.
Il part alors à l’étranger où il enchaîne les résidences dans plusieurs grands clubs madrilènes (La Coppelia, El Clandestino, Massif Madrid, Plataforma Barcelona) suite à sa rencontre avec un certain Crisitan Varela.

A son retour en Belgique avec les batteries rechargées,  les retrouvailles avec Trycloid, PeterKlash, Tane donnent naissance à Facial Ejak – et la success story qu’on lui connaît puisque pendant 6 ans les plus grands noms et labels vont se succéder sur la scène bruxelloise : 
* Radium, Rotator, the Speed Freak, Bryan Fury, Hellfish, the Teknoist, Overnoiz, Al Core, Eustachian *

En 2008, il croit alors venu le moment de se ranger mais malgré tout, l’envie de mixer est toujours là...les encouragements, aussi, d'un certain Hellboy!

C’est pourquoi depuis 2010 on le retrouve sur le devant de la scène avec de nouveaux projets – notamment Burn Me Tender – où il a partagé le playground de Ceephax Acid Crew, Acid Kirk entre autres et sur la scène internationale avec Structural Damage Records et WildBeatz Dj Team en Italie et en Ecosse.    




mercredi 16 février 2011

Dmx Krew/ Edmx (Rephlex, Breakin' records...)

                                               Burn Me Tender#2 presents

Ed DMX lives in London where he makes music and runs his label Breakin' Records. He also travels around DJing and performing live most weekends in different parts of the world.

The first DMX Krew release was 1995's "Got You On My Mind" on Dutch label DAP, and this was followed in 1996 by "Sound Of The Street" on Aphex Twin's label Rephlex. This record hinted at what was to come with its mix of instrumental electro, synthpop and techno made on vintage equipment. Lots more releases followed, mainly through Rephlex but also on diverse labels including International Deejay Gigolos, Ersatz Audio, Sonic Groove and several others. DMX Krew remixes have also appeared of various artists including Gentle People, Biochip C, Denki Groove, Le Car and many others.

In 1997 Ed DMX started his label Breakin' Records which gained a cult following as one of the UK's first electro and bass labels with releases from DMX Krew and under the alias Computor Rockers, as well as first signings Bass Junkie and Mandroid. Later Breakin' branched into other sounds with the signing and debut releases of acid maestro Ceephax Acid Crew, and the synthpop of G. D. Luxxe. In 2000 as EDMX, Ed became one of the first non-Detroit artists to make and release Ghetto-style electro tunes on the successful MPC Trax series of 12"s and the sell-out mix CD Bass mix. Later Detroit artists Digitek, 313 Bass Mechanics and Disco D also released on Breakin' / MPC Trax.

The last three albums and pair of 7" singles released on Rephlex under the umbrella of "The Collapse Of The Wave Function" reveal a deeper, more considered side to his production, featuring ambient and experimental tracks as well as quirkier dancefloor fillers.

Ed has performed all around the world both as a DJ and as a live act, including several US tours with and without the Rephlex crew, most of western and northern Europe and a lot of eastern Europe too, numerous tours in Japan including WIRE99 in front of 8000 people with Derrick May and Denki Groove in the Yokohama Arena. In 2004 DMX Krew appeared for the first time in Australia and he continues to play out most weekends.

Check out the discography for more information.

lundi 14 février 2011

Electro, wave, acid, tek Rendez-Vous - 25th Feb@ La Bodega

                      Burn Me Tender #2 The Machine Edition 
                     Au programme de cette édition: 3 lives, des machines, que du beau monde...

Dmx Krew (live) Uk
rephlex, breakin' records 

Ucture (live)
boya, ambivalence

Biofix (live)

Casual Suspekt
structural damage, facial ejak

lce, bmt

Visuals by Biofixproject
Cheap drinks, burning atmosphere

5< midnight > 7euros                                                                

                                                                                                          @La Bodega
                                                                                                           rue de Birmingham, 30
                                                                                                           1080 Brussels, Be